who am i


Hello! My name is Adrien.

Looks like you lost yourself on the internet once again.

My crappy long term memory forced me to made myself a place where I write my stuff down.

You could find here anything related to:

  • computer science;
  • reverse engineering projects;
  • admin sys stuff;
  • other.

By the way, this website is powered by Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages.

In breve, sono l’incarnazione della sprezzatura.


  • What’s the deal with your rabbit?

The Matrix (1999), 7 minutes and 21 seconds.

  • Where is your GDPR popup?

This website is JavaScript free and doesn’t use any form of tracker. I don’t even have an access.log file. GitHub and their CDN have tho.

  • How can I contact you?

Feel free to email me at adrien [at] t3ssel.com.